Sussex Leo Club

Volunteer Group of the Year 2019

When there’s a need, there’s a Leo.

Together we serve.

There are a lot of ways people can give back to their community, but being a Leo is so much more than just service. Choosing the Sussex Leo Club will help you grow as an individual and as a leader as you join a global family of young people making the world a better place!

Begin your journey.

The purpose of our club is to serve our community while developing our skills in leadership, commitment and teamwork. We are always searching for new members! If you’re between the ages of 12 and 18 and looking to help people, gain service hours and have fun, the Leo Club is right for you.

This Month’s Upcoming Meetings and Events


Friday, December 6th

Tree Lighting Ceromony

@ Sussex Civic Center


Saturday, December 7th

Lunch With Santa

@ Hamilton Cafeteria


Wednesday, December 18th

General Meeting

@ IMC at Hamilton High School


Stay updated.

Follow us on Instagram: @sussexleosclub!

Check us out in the Charger Press!

By Srikar K. on January 31st, 2023

Are you a student looking to gain volunteer experience and help serve your community? If so, Leo Club is for you. Founded nearly 20 years ago by former principal David Furer, Sussex Leo Club has been passionately serving our community and is looking for more community-driven students to join the club.

By Dhruv A. on December 16, 2021

The Sussex Leo Club was chartered in 2004 by Lion David Furer, a member of the Lions Club International and principal of Hamilton High School at the time. Initially formed to provide the youth with volunteer opportunities, the Sussex Leo Club has blossomed into something much greater today—a family willing to devote itself to the community.